Not being able to sleep is the worst feeling ever! Your body is begging you to pass out but your mind is busy trying to solve the worlds problems. Situational insomnia, like staying in a hotel room or arguing with a loved one, can sometimes be unavoidable. Restless sleeps night after night however, is the body’s way of telling us that…
Several weeks ago, a very good client of mine sent me this study, which I have summarized and provided a link for below! I know that the topic of cancer is a bit morbid but the statistical significance of this condition directly or indirectly affecting everyone on the planet is very high. Having worked with hundreds of people that have either…
The process of methylation, even just the word, can bore people half to death, but the truth of the matter is that this little tidbit of seemingly useless information is at the heart of many peoples chronic health concerns. Before tuning out, I would encourage you to read a little further as your future health might be at stake. Biochemistry…
Please don’t tell the British Medical Journal that I republished their article on saturated fat and heart disease but this opinion piece is a fairly nice example of 40 years of dogma around a specific health topic that has been based on absolutely nothing and led us in completely the wrong direction for the last 4 decades. The consumption of…