It’s been over a month since my last COVID update as there have NOT been many changes to report. COVID times have brought a lot to the forefront of humanity. We clearly do not need to drive and consume as much as we do. We don’t need to be as spread thin as we are, both emotionally and physically. Many of us can practice a little more self sustainability as I have had a lot of feedback from clients about starting or restarting their own gardens this year. We can also be more mindful with ourselves and our surroundings. This is actually happening all over the world right now as the speed of life has been slowed and overall pollution has been reduced. So as BC “Restart” kicks off tomorrow, my hope is that we have all learned something about ourselves and continue to enjoy a slower, more mindful way of life moving forward.

Of course, for every person that is moving towards a healthier more vibrant level of self awareness there is also a person that is struggling or being self destructive. One of the challenging parts about sheltering in place is the impact that it has had on people that are not safe, like people with chronic health concerns and people living with or affected by substance abuse, or other circumstances. These challenging situations, which perhaps should have been given greater consideration, have increased the overall mortality in BC over the last few months. So as I am sure many of us are thankful that the pandemic has had overall very low mortality in BC, my hope is that time is taken in our health agencies to identify and help protect other vulnerable and innocent populations that have been clearly affect by the past few months.

My major COVID-19 update is about testing. Health Canada has approved the first serological test for COVID-19  and Dr Henry has announced that serology testing will now be available to anyone that feels they may have have COVID-19, or would generally like to be tested (Survey here). I believe this step is critical in understanding the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2, as reported in my last post. This is because the rtPCR testing being used to test for active viral infections has had, and likely continues to have, some problems with accuracy, including false positives. By comparing data from rtPCR testing to serological testing we will be able to better determine the number of true positive (and negative) cases in Canada. This will be our greatest chance to move forward from the pandemic without any further incidence, as “herd” immunity will be critical to our protection as a society. Further, if a high percentage of the population tests positive for COVID-19 this will reduce the need for mass vaccination.

With respect to Westcoast Integrative Health, the structure for re-opening to the public is actually less arduous than I expected although certainly in line with providing high level protection to our patients, as well as myself and my staff. No masks are necessary though, except by choice or for patients that are suspected of being infectious. Most importantly, in the “Restart” of BC we need to use common sense. Stay home or self isolate when ill, continue to wash your hands and do NOT cough or sneeze into open spaces. This will help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. Remote appointments are still encouraged for clients that do not require in office care, which is actually the case across all medical forums. Most importantly though, if you or someone you know needs help, the “Restart” signifies that it is safe to reach out for help when we need it across all health forums.

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