I wrote this article for Viva magazine this month! Grab your copy in any Loblaw’s or Superstore today!

There is a lot of exhaustion underlying peoples health conditions. Emotional stress, over a long time can lead to adrenal fatigue, however physical stress on the body can also result in the adrenals becoming exhausted, as well. Think about what impact chronic infections, like parasites, H. Pylori or candidiasis can have on the body, or how about chronic injuries or pain that continue to disturb your sleep.

These underlying causes of stress are what really need to be addressed to help in treating the adrenal exhaustion of todays world!

Adrenal Exhaustion! – Welcome to the 21st century

Do you ever get the feeling of being physically tired but emotionally wired? It’s no wonder, with todays busy lifestyle that more and more clients have some degree of physical and/or emotional burnout, resulting in stress on the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are an essential part of our hormone system, and produce some very important “feel good” hormones, when our bodies are in balance. When long-term emotional and/or physical stress take over, it’s no wonder that we can get hormonally out of whack. And although it is important to assess for the degree of adrenal stress, to help evaluate the level of adrenal imbalance, addressing the causes of stress on the body are essential to overcoming this common health concern.

Assessment starts with a thorough history, along with objective laboratory testing. Think back to when you felt really good and start documenting what life events may have caused you stress from that point. Objectively, testing for the hormone DHEA-S, with your doctor, along with a complete blood count (CBC), are key initial assessments to evaluate the degree of exhaustion and causes of stress on the body. DHEA is an adrenal hormone that plays a vital role in both physical and emotional wellbeing. If you are found to have low DHEA-S levels (typically less than 3 umol/L in women and 5 umol/L in men) then you are likely feeling the effects of exhaustion. A complete blood count can reveal a lot of information about the body, including information about emotional stress, infections (including chronic viruses, parasites and bacteria), environmental or food allergies, vitamin B12 and folic acid, iron, and zinc levels.

Common symptoms and causes of adrenal exhaustion

Signs and Symptoms Causes
Physical Exhaustion Emotional Exhaustion



Hotflashes/Night Sweets

Chronic Pain

Loss of Sex Drive

Digestive complaints


Acne (and other skin concerns)

Menstrual Irregularities

Weight gain

Emotional Stress Chronic Viral Infections

Chronic Bacterial Infections

Parasitic Infections

Nutrient Deficiencies


Chronic Pain





The keys to treating adrenal dysfunction starts with removing the underlying causes of stress, along with balancing the blood sugar hormones, cortisol and insulin. Focusing the diet on plenty of healthy fats, proteins and vegetables is a must, while limiting refined starches and sugar. Sleep is a key lifestyle factor to supporting recovery from any degree of chronic stress. Addressing sleep problems is going to help greatly on the road to recovery. Finally, people are often surprised by the suggestion of limiting physical exercise to yoga, pilates, walking or hiking for several months. Meditation can also have profound effects on reducing stress and inflammation in the body. In all exercise and meditation practices, a focus of deep abdominal breathing is essential.

Nutritional support to consider for the adrenal glands

Rhodiola 200 to 300 mg per day away from food Regulates blood sugar and supports mood Safe to be used short-term. Not to be used in children or pregnancy.
Panex Ginseng 200 mg per day away from food Improves energy and vitality Safe to be used short-term. Not to be used in children or pregnancy.
Vitamin C 1000 to 3000 mg per day with food Essential nutrient for adrenal recovery Safe to be used long-term. High doses may cause loose bowels.
B Vitamins (especially Vitamin B5) Varies based on the vitamin. Take with food. Essential vitamins for adrenal recovery Safe to be used long-term. High doses of B vitamins may cause nausea.
Licorice 500 mg per day away from food Helps support cortisol and aldosterone. Cation is required as licorice can interacts with many medications and may raise blood pressure in some people. Not to be used in children or pregnancy.
DHEA 5 to 20 mg per day Essential adrenal hormone Minimal doses of bioidentical DHEA are recommended. Not recommended with risks of certain cancers. May cause acne and oily skin.
Estrogen 1.25 to 2.5 mg per day as a bio-estrogen cream or drops Essential adrenal hormone in post-menopausal women and men Minimal doses of bioidentical estradiol (and estriol) are recommended to support symptoms. Not recommended with risks of heart and stroke disease as well as certain cancers.
Progesterone 30 to 100 mg per day as a cream, capsule or drops Essential adrenal hormone in post-menopausal women and men Minimal doses of bioidentical progesterone are recommended to support symptoms. Not recommended with risks of heart and stroke disease as well as certain cancers.
Pregnanolone 20 mgs per day as a cream of capsule Essential hormone precursor to support adrenal recovery. Minimal doses of bioidentical pregnanolone are recommended. Very little safety information is available.


Nutritional support and treatment for adrenal concerns varies greatly based on the underlying cause and people are recommended to work with a knowledgable medical practitioner to support proper evaluation and treatment of the underlying causes of stress on the body.

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