I hope everyone had an amazing Easter. I’ve got to say …. Global Warming wasnt that bad for us out on the west coast of Canada this weekend. It hit a balmy, 16 degrees over on Salt Spring Island yesterday.

The Easter bunny was really good to me this year. I just received my 23-and-me genetic test results back after a 6 week wait. I guess it’s kind of ironic to have received genetic test results on April fools day, but “c’est la vie.” Perhaps it could have been a joke but overall I would say I’m in fairly good genetic shape!

All kidding aside this is a pretty cool test if you are brave enough to find out everything about yourself for $99.00 plus shipping.  23 and me does a fairly substantial genetic profile which includes potential drug sensitives, genetic risk of chronic diseases, and carrier risks for passing on a condition to offspring. Feel free to take a look a my report here!

Although I did have some increased risk of certain diseases, all-in-all they are fairly preventable, especially now that I know these risks exist! I was also expecting that I was a carrier of hemochromatosis as my grandfather suffers from this condition. Fortunately, I hope to never have to use the drugs that I was found to have increased risk of sensitivity to but it sure is good to know that certain drugs may cause greater problems for me also.

What I thought was really cool about this test result was the ancestry profile! I am 2.9% Neanderthal! Surprise!

I’m also related to Mario Batali … no idea who that is.

I’m definitely European! Surprise! However my genes go back 50000 years to Africa! They still havent completed my exact countries of origin yet however the results do indicate that I’m definitely partly from the UK and perhaps the Netherlands!

Cool stuff.

Happy Easter Everyone.

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