Many people do not do well with hormonal forms of birth control. If you fit into that category have a look through this chart to help inform you of the many alternative non-toxic methods available.

Long term exposure to high doses of hormones cannot possibly be good for women. Although I provide my clients with the full range of pharmaceutical options, when needed, I also discuss the major differences between the many birth-control prescriptions available. Birth-control methods should be a discussion that all women have with their doctors, reviewing the risks and benefits of the different options.

Non-Hormonal Methods of Birth Control

Method Efficacy Advantages Disadvantages
Male Condom 85%-higher efficacy when used with spermicides -protects from STDs and pregnancy-cheap-readily available-no adverse health effects -may break or slip off during intercourse-needed at time of intercourse
Female Condom 79% -does not require a prescription-does not require fitting by a doctor-protects from STDs and pregnancy -requires proper placement in vagina for effectiveness-needed at time of intercourse
Sponge-made of polyurethane with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents-used with spermicidal agents 72%-94% -does not require a prescription-does not require fitting by a doctor -does not protect against STDs-must be inserted 24 hours before intercourse-can cause vaginal dryness, discomfort-must be left in place at least 6 hours after ejaculation-requires proper placement in vagina
Spermicidal Agents –creams, foams, gels 72% used alone85%-97% combined with diaphragms, cervical caps, sponge -does not require a prescription-effective immediately after insertion -effective for 2 hours after insertion-increases risk of UTIs, vaginitis-some people may have allergic reaction
Diaphragm 82%-96% -very few side effects-can be inserted before intercourse therefore does not interrupt the spontaneity of sex -requires fitting by a doctor-requires proper placement in vagina-must be refit if female gains or loses >3kg in weight-risk of infection, TSS if left in too long
Cervical Cap-mini diaphragm 82%-94% -very few side effects-can be inserted before intercourse -requires fitting by a doctor-difficult to fit properly-risk of infection, TSS if left in too long
Coitus Interruptus-“withdrawal” method 60%-70% -no side effects-requires no contraceptive or barrier devices -may not protect against HIV, as HIV has been found in pre-ejaculate-reliability depends on male to recognize pre-ejaculatory phase
Intrauterine Devices-“IUD”-, copper containing 96% -effective for long-term contraception -must be inserted by a doctor-possibility of heavier periods-risk of uterine perforation and pelvic inflammatory disease
Fertility Awareness Technique-involves accurate tracking of cycle by monitoring changes in cervical mucus, cervical position and texture, and basal body temperature-intercourse is avoided or barrier methods are used during fertile phases of cycle 75%-98%-most effective with training by an experienced teacher and a high degree of commitment and self-control on the part of the couple -no side effects-allows female to get closely in touch with her reproductive cycle -requires high degree of commitment for effectiveness

Information was taken from the book Female Reproductive Health, edited by Nikolai Manassiev and Malcolm Whitehead, and from a lecture on Contraception in the 3rd year Women’s Health Course at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

A good resource for women interested in learning more about Fertility Awareness Technique is the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.

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