I’ve just received the results of my NutrEval testing from Genova Diagnostics. For a mere $1200 CAN ($1000 USD) the NutrEval is considered to be one of the gold standard Functional Medicine tests available. It pretty much measures everything.

Although the price tag on this test is high, I must say the report is actually very thorough and clearly outlines nutritional deficiencies through both direct and indirect measurement of blood and urine.

From nutrients to heavy metals, this test pretty much provides it all. And although I still like the CardioION profile from the former Metametrix Laboratory better, the NurtEval is a decent runner up and offers similar information.

Anyways, what really prompted me to do this was what happened to me after my Ketogenic diet ended in June of 2014. I was surprised at how nutritionally depleted I became. Some of you might recall my functional medicine report from June (available here) which showed a fairly significant depletion in most vitamins and minerals after 6 months of eating the high fat diet. Let this be a lesson to anyone following the ketogenic diet long term. Supplementation is essential.

Since deciding to do the GAPS diet challenge in December, which is also pretty limited in calories at the beginning, I decided to run the NutrEval to get a good foundation of my nutritional status and to help dictate what supplementation to consider. Besides, I have also been looking for an excuse to do an organic acid profile for a while (which is included as part of the NutrEval testing).

After submitting my NutrEval samples on January 16th, I decided to go one step further and do a really cool experiment. I requisitioned an entire series of lab work from Lifelabs to compare the results of my $1200 CAN private test to what can be acquired via our medical services plan, through a medical doctor.

My experiment, comparing my NutrEval results to my functional medicine software report was very similar! Further, not only was the Lifelabs results, interpreted through the functional software close to the results of the NutrEval testing, the Lifelab results also provide additional information on hormone function, immune function, digestive function, metabolic function and so much more!

Check out the comparison by clicking on both links below. I thought this was a cool way of showing that regular blood work is a powerful tool for disease prevention, when used properly. And just a reminder, functional reports are available for free to all clients that provide the required blood work.

NutrEval – January 13th, 2015
