Have you been to the grocery store lately? My gosh has “healthy food” gotten expensive. I recall when I was a medical student vegi/pescetarian and had absolutely NO resources (money) how I was able to eat very healthfully on a very limited budget. That was only 13 years ago and at that time I used to budget my food based on the cost of a standard plastic bag of groceries. I recall the standard was about $20 to 30 per overfilled bag! Nowadays it seems like a standard overfilled bag of groceries is somewhere in the neighbourhood of $60 to 80. That’s almost triple the price and makes me wonder how people can afford to eat well. It also makes me realize how the restaurant industries thrive in urban environments … I hate to say it and still avoid it where I can, but it is almost cheaper (and for sure easier) to eat out at a restaurant than to make your own more healthy whole food meal at home!

So how can you grow your own food? The answer is permaculture, which is defined by google as the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient. This philosophy falls exactly into what I believe is the future of health and wellbeing for humans on our planet. Why grow grass when you can grow food!

At this juncture, it is VERY important to note that you do not need 5 acres to be a permaculturalist. You can create a permaculture garden on a patio, lawn, or even in your house! Essentially, it is a system of growing your own food, no matter what the size of food production you have. Permaculture is also a way to be closer with nature even when you live in a densely urban environment and get free food at the same time! Further, it involves very little space, in some cases, and with proper “companion” planting takes very little effort.

I always find it funny how municipal gardens grow all of these expensive annuals or plant ornamental trees in parks when we could grow fruit trees, herbs and even vegetables that would be cheaper and a free source of food for the community! Anyways more about food production in future posts! Stay tuned.