Almost everything in life (specifically plants) start with a seed. Although this is not overly profound, in the present climate of our world this is one of the only ways to directly combat the effects of the carbon climate change that is affecting our earth. Ironically plants are also our primary food supply and should ideally make up at least 75% of our daily caloric intake. Plants can also serve as a primary source of treatment for many different health conditions, including advanced heart disease and cancer.

Gerson Therapy vegetable juicing has been around for almost 100 years for the treatment of cancer and still makes up a large part of my suggested treatment strategy for cancer treatment in my patients today. While the Ornish Diet was developed in the 1970s and shown to cure people of severe and advanced cardiovascular disease, which I also advise my patients of when seeking treatment for peripheral arterial disease, carotid arterial stenosis and coronary arterial disease.

So if increases in carbon dioxide is one of the main threats to our existence from climate change and plants provide the answer to this problem, while also providing part of the answer to curing and preventing the major health threats that afflict our population then really the answer to our existence is that we need as many plants as possible.

Over the winter, in advancing my families goal to self sustainability, we built a greenhouse. Although its a little bigger than what most people need, after it’s completion I was shocked by the efficiency of this structure. When the temperature was as low as freezing outside, on a sunny day our greenhouse remained at nearly 10 degrees Celcius inside. This will hopefully be warm enough to sustain plant life all year round, all while offsetting our carbon footprint and feeding us at the same time. Its really a no brainer and so much fun!