(Posted on Natural News on Saturday March 17th http://www.naturalnews.com/035273_picky_eaters_children_solutions.html)

There is a dangerous epidemic today. It can affect anyone, starting from childhood and last, in many cases, for a lifetime. It is not a virus, though it can certainly lead to sickness. It is not spread through contact or breathing the same air as those infected, but rather through a mindset that has perniciously gripped parents of small children. If left unchecked, it can lead to a multitude of real sicknesses and problems over the course of a lifetime.

The epidemic is called ‘picky eating,’ and many parents are tragically ill-equipped or unwilling to fight it.

Picky eating is not a silent epidemic. In fact, the cries of children who would rather have McDonalds than broccoli can be quite loud. Nevertheless, for the long-term health of their children, parents must fight this epidemic with all the resources they can muster.

Garbage in, garbage out

The stakes are high. Many children and teenagers, during the growth stages of life when they need optimal nutrition the most, fill their bodies with junk food. Studies have shown that picky eaters are more prone to allergies, obesity, and a host of other problems. Because of a limited, nutrient deficient diet, they will often suffer from a compromised immune system that lacks the resources needed to fight off illnesses. They will lack energy and be less able to concentrate, often leading to further learning problems as they progress through school.

Habits that are set in childhood will likely last a lifetime. There can be no doubt that, for the health and welfare of their children, parents need to go to war with picky.

Set your kids on the right path!

So how can parents buck the trend toward pickiness and get their kids on the right track nutritionally? Here are some tips:

1) Start before birth and nurse with breast milk for about one year. Research has found that flavors can be transmitted to amniotic fluid and human milk. Mothers who eat a variety of foods, even spicy foods, during the pregnancy and nursing stages tend to pass those preferences to their children.

2) Don’t give up. For babies just beginning to eat solid food, nutritionists recommend introducing a food at least 20 times before giving up and moving on. Once a new food is introduced, often they will take a bite, then refuse the next bite. At that point give them something they will eat. But be sure to reintroduce the first food at the next meal. Rinse and repeat. Remember, the idea is to train the child’s palate to accept a variety of tastes and textures.

3) Mix a food they don’t like with something they do. Be sure it’s cut up into small, age-appropriate pieces. This will slowly acclimate them to the different tastes and textures.

4) For toddlers, make a game of it. It’s much more fun to eat a ‘tree’ than a piece of plain old broccoli. Use your imagination and they will use theirs. Sometimes playing with food can be a good thing!

5) For older kids, offer a reward for eating their vegetable or an item you know they don’t particularly like. One great reward can be a healthy ‘dessert’ such as yogurt or a fruit they enjoy.

6) Variety truly is the spice if life. Too much of any one food, even a good food, can cause a child to grow weary of it. Balance is key.

7) When all else fails, enforce negative consequences. The war with picky can sometimes be ugly, but the spoils are well worth it!

Notes from Dr Davies:

I choose to post this article as a result of the number of ‘picky eaters’ I have seen in my office over the last five years. I have helped many parents overcome these concerns typically with some simple strategies. One of the most important things that I have observed to make the biggest difference is the elimination of food allergies. Often the foods that children ‘like the most’ or crave can be the worst for them and lead kids to avoid foods that there bodies really need. One of the most common examples I have frequently seen is the allergy to dairy. Kids tend to love their dairy and parents are often under the misconception that without enough dairy their children will not grow. This is just absolutely untrue. Once an allergenic food is eliminated, the first week or so may be difficult but soon after the elimination parents that I have worked with observe something miraculous! The child will start to open up their appetite and try new things. There are plenty of healthy nutrient dense alternatives to any food. It’s just a mater of finding out what the allergies are and putting the work into encouraging the little ones to try something new.

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