Do you ever wonder why you get frequent colds? Why you get anxious or depressed? Are you looking for ways to clear up your skin? Well the stomach and intestinal lining, much like a castle wall, is our main barrier against the harsh and dangerous outside world. The intestinal lining houses the majority of our immune system, which protects the body against a host of threats that lead to dis-ease. Outside of this lining, healthy bacteria influence our immune cells and help to keep the intestines strong. However, the overgrowth of unhealthy bugs, like certain bacteria and yeast, poor diet and stress can destroy the intestinal lining and the immune defences that guard that lining. A damaged intestine or imbalanced immune system can result in virtually every type health concern.

Good guts start with removing foods in the diet that may be causing damage. The most effective strategy is to start with a two week elimination diet, avoiding the most common allergic foods. Alternately, people may consider a IgG blood allergy test that may be provided through a knowledgable health professional, to provide a specific list of foods for them to eliminate. It is also important to avoid abrasive foods, for the first few weeks, such raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds as well as harsh fibre supplements such as psyllium husk. Removing these foods from the diet will allow the intestinal lining to repair and weaken unwanted bacteria and yeast that may be living in your guts causing symptoms such as bloating, gas and nausea.

Allergenic foods and food groups to eliminate during your elimination diet
All dairy productsAll gluten containing grainsCorn and corn products

Soy and soya products

Beef and pork


Refined sugarsCitrus fruits Nuts and beans




Nightshade vegetables(Tomato, Potato, Peppers, Egg Plant)Alcohol


Sulphites (Dried fruits and Wine)

Processed meats

A diet consisting mainly of lightly cooked fruits and veggies, lean proteins such as chicken, fish and turkey along with healthy fats such as coconut oil and olive oil will help to eliminate unwanted bacteria and yeast while providing nourishment to repair the intestinal lining. Using a variety of herbs including turmeric, garlic and sea salt to flavour your foods will also help to clear out unwanted guests from the gut. Green tea plays an important role in repairing a leaky gut lining and may be used to replace coffee during the first few weeks. These steps allow your guts to repair before restoring and replacing healthy bacteria.

Once you feel that you have sufficiently taken back control of your intestines, functional foods such as natto, kimchi, tempeh, kefir, sauerkraut and yogurt may be introduced into the diet in large amounts to increase the number of healthy bacteria. If you have done an elimination diet, you may also carefully reintroduce one food group every two days to determine if you have any food reactions. Reactions may come in the form of abnormal bowel movements but may also cause problems with concentration among many other symptoms. Be aware of any unwanted symptoms and immediately eliminate that food group again until that symptom subsides. Along with stress reduction and deep breathing practices to increase blood flow to the intestines, you can virtually take control of any health condition and get your life back!

Supplements to restore intestinal health

Supplement Dosage and form Reasons Concerns and sources
Calcium Carbonate 600 mg per day away from food Repairs the intestinal lining Liquid supplements are preferredAll green foods contain calcium
Zinc Citrate or Picolinate 10 to 20 mgs per day Repairs the intestinal lining May cause nausea in some people.
Green tea extract 50 to 500 mg per day away from food Repairs the intestinal lining Green tea (De-caffeinated forms are available) Contains caffeine
Curcumin 500 to 2000 mgs per day Repairs the intestinal lining. Reduces inflammation Turmeric – must be heated to extract curcumin Caution with blood thinning medication
Vitamin D 400 to 2000 IU per day Repairs intestinal lining. Supports immune system Liquid forms are bestSunshine provides natural Vitamin D
Probiotics 30 to 50 billion live cells per day Stimulate immune system. Maintain intestinal lining Multiple strain probiotics are recommended.


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