Weight Loss Program

Dr Davies has been formally trained and reviewed many different weight loss strategies, including metabolic programs, the HCG diet and injections, the south beach diet, Bernstein, Atkins, Weight Watcher’s, the Blood Type diet, 90:10:10, Jenny Craig and many others. After a thorough review of diet strategies, Dr Davies has concluded that not one diet strategy can fit every person.

Many factors play a role in the ability to loss weight, including genetics, hormonal function, digestive function and immune function. He has found that all of these factors need to be properly evaluated and discussed with the individual in order to come up with the best personalized weight loss strategy.

Our objective at Westcoast Integrative Health’s weight loss clinic is to develop a program that is easy to follow, offers appropriate clinical follow up and assessment, but most importantly that is sustainable and highly effective. We want to move completely away from crash dieting, like HCG or Bernstein, as these strategies are expensive and have clearly been shown to not be sustainable. Our program revolves around modified versions of the Mediterranean Diet, the most studied and “healthy” diet on the planet, adding specific adjustments to best suite the needs of our clients.

One of the biggest factors that affects our ability to loose weight is body inflammation. Inflammation may be caused by several different factors, including low grade infections, food allergies and chronic stress. Putting people on starvation or very low calorie diets, like the the HCG diet or the Bernstein Diet cannot be sustainable, without addressing underlying causes of inflammation.

Simple blood testing is essential in starting a sustainable weight loss program. A list of blood testing that would ideally be done prior to your weight loss visit, but may be ordered during or before your first visit, can be found below. It will also be recommended, during the first visit, for many clients to have food allergy testing and/or comprehensive stool testing done, to properly access your bodies ability to process foods and to support reducing inflammation in the body.

All of these services can vary in cost however our objective, like all treatments and testing we provide, will focus on supporting your weight loss using the least expensive methods possible.

The initial weight loss consultation, including program development (but excluding any testing) is $200.00 and will include a 1 hour visit with Dr Davies to discuss your specific program needs and follow up strategies.

Blood testing suggestions to develop your program should include;

CBC + DifferentialsVitamin B12FerritinTotal Protein

Albumin and Globulin






Alk Phos

AmylaseBlood Urea NitrogenUric AcidElectrolytes

(K+ Na+ Cl- HCO3- Mg2+ Zn2+ Ca2+)



Cholesterol Panel

Total Bilirubin

Direct Bilirubin

Indirect Bilirubin


25-hydroxyvitamin D1,25-hydroxyvitamin DFasting blood SugarFasting blood insulin


Cortisol (AM/PM)




Menstruating Females OnlyProgesterone (Day 21)Estrogen , FSH (Day 3)