Author page: wchadmin

Diabetic Rats Regenerate Their Livers

Diabetic Rats Regenerate Their Livers

Although humans aren’t two legged rodents that have lost their tails, this articles speaks to the power of natural medicine and in particular turmeric! Turmeric has some amazing anti-inflammatory effects and the science behind this herb just keeps getting stronger and stronger. We carry several different extracts of turmeric in our office, because therapeutically just using the herb in food…

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In Defense of Comfort Food …

In Defense of Comfort Food …

I hope everyone enjoys this article just in time for Valentines day! Posted on medscape today, the article outlines all of the researched benefits of chocolate. It recently came to my attention when I found this incredible interactive site, entitledĀ  “Snake Oil” which links natural products to their perspective meta-analysis research article. Check it out and enjoy! 7 Health…

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Hot Flashing or Night Sweats?

Hot Flashing or Night Sweats?

Many women have a difficult time with menopausal symptoms. Although a traditional approach to treating hot flashing and night sweating with hormone therapies is effective, it has been know for many years that antidepressant medications, known as SSRI’s, have also been found to treat hot flashes and night sweating in many post-menopausal women. How is this possible? Hot flashing is…

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