Author page: wchadmin

Negative Emotions Increase Feelings of Pain and Itching

Negative Emotions Increase Feelings of Pain and Itching

Posted on 08/09/2012 by Emma Hitt, PhD Medscape 2012 Clinical Context Symptoms characteristic of many skin diseases include itch and pain. Some experts have suggested that negative emotions may be involved in the perception of itch and pain. However, previous experimental studies of the role of emotions on sensory perception have only investigated the effects on pain and not on itch.…

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Confirmed Again: Statin Drugs Accelerate Cardiovascular Disease

Confirmed Again: Statin Drugs Accelerate Cardiovascular Disease

Posted By Dr. Mercola on October 15 2012 Statins are the world’s most-prescribed class of medications. A staggering one in four Americans over the age of 45 now take cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Pravachol, Mevacor, Lipitor, Zocor, Crestor, and others. A majority of them are taking these drugs for primary prevention of heart attacks and strokes. However, mounting research suggests…

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One in 10 teenagers now suffers from liver disease

One in 10 teenagers now suffers from liver disease

Today, more young people than ever are suffering from a chronic illness — the cause of which has everything to do with eating a toxic diet — that used to occur primarily only among older adults with diabetes. Figures recently compiled as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reveal that roughly 10 percent of American teens are…

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Multivitamins Found to Lower Cancer Risk

Multivitamins Found to Lower Cancer Risk

Posted on Medscape by Roxanne Nelson on Oct 17, 2012 The daily use of multivitamins may reduce the risk for cancer, according to the results of a very large randomized trial. After about 11 years, multivitamin use resulted in a modest but statistically significant reduction — specifically, an 8% reduction in total cancer incidence. However, the investigators observed no effect…

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EMF and Heavy Metals

EMF and Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals and Electromagnetic Sensitivity Posted on August 25 2012 by Dr. Mercola Electomagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us, no matter where you live these days.  They emanate from power lines, televisions, household electrical wiring, appliances and microwaves. They come from cell phones, cell phone towers and wireless Internet connections. It is estimated that 3-8 percent of populations…

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Foods that can help counter depression Posted on Saturday, August 25, 2012 by Fleur Hupston Finding a suitable treatment for depression is often not simple. Many people find the labels and terms used by psychologists and psychiatrists confusing, to say the least, and often not particularly helpful in finding the root cause of their depression. Eating the correct foods…

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