Author page: wchadmin

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome

The destructive nature of leaky gut syndrome Posted on Saturday, September 01, 2012 by Dr. David Jockers The digestive tract is loaded with trillions of microorganisms that form a natural ecosystem commonly called the gut flora. This ecosystem is designed to be symbiotic in that it benefits both the individual and the microbes. Certain lifestyle stressors throw off the…

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Effective Post-Stroke Treatment

Effective Post-Stroke Treatment

Dramatically effective natural treatment found for stroke-caused brain damage Posted on Tuesday, October 02, 2012 by: Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor Research findings just announced at the Canadian Stroke Congress provide hopeful news for stroke victims. A treatment has been documented that can improve memory, language, thinking and judgment problems by almost 50 percent — all within about six…

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Cranberry Juice for Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberry Juice for Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberry juice beats bladder infections in children 40 children who had experienced two or more UTIs were randomly assigned to drink either a cranberry juice-rich in PACs (proanthocyanidin) or a non-cranberry juice. The testing occurred at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. The reoccurrence rate among the high PAC cranberry juicers was over 65% fewer than the placebo subjects. This type…

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Hormone Replacement Therapy Update

Hormone Replacement Therapy Update

HRT Benefits Newly Menopausal Women No Heart Disease Risk Was Found October 3, 2012 (Updated October 4, 2012) — Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with low-dose oral or transdermal estrogen and cyclic monthly progesterone started soon after the start of menopause improves depression, anxiety, and cognitive function in healthy women, researchers said here at the 23rd annual meeting of the North…

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Belly Fat?

Belly Fat?

Excess belly fat – How it happens and how to get rid of it for good Posted by PF Louis on Thursday, August 30, 2012 General obesity is an epidemic. But it’s possible to experience belly fat without being generally obese with fat enlarged torso, arms, and legs that demand waddling while walking. Your arms, upper torso, face, and…

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