Author page: wchadmin



Low Vitamin D May Blunt Effectiveness of Asthma Treatment Steven Fox Posted on medscape July 16, 2012 July 13, 2012 — When using inhaled corticosteroids to treat patients with persistent asthma, vitamin D levels should be closely monitored and supplemented, if necessary, according to results from a multicenter placebo-controlled study of 1041 children with mild to moderate persistent asthma.…

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Electromagnetic Sensitivity Rational Uncovered

Electromagnetic Sensitivity Rational Uncovered

Discovery of magnetic sensors in fish and rats may explain why some people can ‘feel’ wi-fi, smart meters, power lines and electropollution. Posted on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger It is well known that many people are sensitive to electromagnetic pollution. Wi-fi gives them headaches. Being near high-voltage power lines can bring…

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Are you getting enough friendly bacteria?

Are you getting enough friendly bacteria?

10 reasons to take a probiotic daily Posted on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at by: PF Louis Probiotic intake for overall good health has been underestimated by even the alternative health community. The fact is that gut bacteria greatly affects both overall physical and mental health. There are 400 to 500 species of bacteria residing in your gut…

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Teach Your Kids to Cook!

Teach Your Kids to Cook!

Teaching children to cook found pivotal in their ability to make healthy food choices Posted on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 on by: Raw Michelle @ While it’s obvious that children (and even adults) who like fruits and vegetables are more likely to eat them, researchers are trying to identify the pivotal variable that causes individuals to like them.…

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Green tea reduces “bad” cholesterol levels

Green tea reduces “bad” cholesterol levels

Posted on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at Natural News by: Ben @ Green tea has always been cited to improve a number of health benefits through its consumption. A recent study targeted LDL, or “bad” cholesterol and brought forth evidence that green tea reduces those levels. The question of how much and whether or not green tea should serve…

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Mercury Fillings?

Negative Impacts of Dental Mercury Surpass Those of Alternatives By Dr. Mercola Original Post @ Far from being an essential dental product with no viable alternatives, amalgam (mercury) fillings are still being widely used by dentists in the United States while the other half refuse to use this toxic material. It’s high time for this archaic practice to be…

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