Author page: wchadmin

Supplements for Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Supplements for Cardiovascular Disease Risk

The following article, hot off the press, assessed the benefits of “natural” supplements for cardiovascular disease risk and found that most supplementation either had no effect or potential for increased risk for all cause mortality, except folic acid and/or B Vitamins. Although studies like this are helpful, they certainly cannot be taken verbatim as studies of this design are not…

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Glucose Response Diet

Glucose Response Diet

Personalized diet plans have been a very important part of my practice for over 6 years now. Having done some personal experimentation with many different diets, including the paleo, ketogenic, vegan, GAPS, low FODMAP, and of course the Eating Alive Program, I have a lot of experience with diet strategies. Historically, I also encouraged the Healthy and Active Program, which…

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How’s your sex drive?

How’s your sex drive?

Testosterone plays an essential role in the sexual health of both men and women. Although lower than optimal testosterone levels are not the only factor connected to low sex drive, testosterone along with the balance of other hormones are very important in understanding individual concerns with libido. Where women have larger amounts of estrogens to keep a spring in their…

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Killing Your Cold and Seasonal Allergies

Killing Your Cold and Seasonal Allergies

This year has been a particularity brutal cold and flu season with currently no end in sight, but allergy season is also right around the corner with warmer weather on the horizon! Although Westcoast Integrative Health is all about functional medicine, health enhancement and treatment of chronic health conditions, sometimes we need to throw all of that out the window…

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Autoimmune Disease – Functional Medicine

Autoimmune Disease – Functional Medicine

The current conventional medical model for the treatment of autoimmunity is focused on immune suppression or the use of biological agents like Humiraâ„¢. Humira is a biological drug that blocks the effects of a specific inflammatory molecule in our bodies. Immune suppressive drugs like prednisone or non-steriodal anti-inflammatory medications are also typically used along with chemical therapy treatments like methotrexate…

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