I feel very privileged every day of my professional life to work with the amazing clients that I see in my office. I truly love what I do and can honestly say that I am blown away by peoples determination. Many people that I work with on a day to day basis are defeating all odds, working towards reversing “incurable” conditions.

Working with people that have cancer is a difficult area of my practice. Although we have celebrated great triumphs in the office, I have also lost some amazing people to this terrible condition. Although I always remain positive in my support of people with chronic disease, more often than not, clients are extremely scared of what may happen to them. Its a natural process and hard to avoid.

The reason for this post is to recognize my amazing clients and to support the cause of a family dedicated to the dying wish of one of their family members with terminal cancer. This young man deserves to be recognized. At only 29 years of age, he wasn’t scared of his disease, he displayed positivity despite his great challenges. He had a strong connection to his family and friends, was highly intelligent and strongly connected to this great earth. Daniel Northcott was very brave.

Please consider donating to this amazing cause to support bravery in people around the world.

Watch Dan’s full clip that aired last night on Global TV BC  http://www.youtube.com/user/BeBraveMovie?feature=watch and please SHARE widely! We have 13 days left in the campaign and we need your help to get this timely and important message out help get the message out here:  http://www.indiegogo.com/Be-Brave

Daniel’s documentary – Global TV BC http://www.youtube.com/user/BeBraveMovie?feature=watch

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