The following article is an example of how a new and exciting, state of the art, form of medicine can help address complicated health concerns with elegance and ease! Recently I was at a 4 day conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, with thousands of other MD’s, ND’s, DO’s and PhD’s, entirely dedicated to this new type of medicine.

I began practicing this way roughly 4 years ago and have been very happy with the degree of success it has provided my clients! This is the start of the “functional medicine” era and we have had outstanding results using different types of functional analysis to effectively treat a whole host of physical and emotional conditions, from rheumatic disease to major depression and bipolar!

The way functional medicine works is relatively simple. A biological fluid sample of blood, hair, saliva, stool and/or urine is collected by the client and/or the doctor. Depending on the test that is being run, the sample is sent to one of a variety of special laboratories for analysis. Once the information is collected, a more specific and individualized treatment program may be suggested to the client with a much high probability of success and very little risk of side effects!

Lets take depression, for example. Low serotonin is considered to be associated with depression and the treatment is most frequently a class of drug (called a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) that doesn’t allow serotonin to be broken down in the brain. Yet, by nature, the very function of this drug relies on the fact that a person has some serotonin in the brain in the first place that may be enhanced by the medication.

Well what we have found by doing one of these functional tests on people with depression, called an organic acid profile, is that many depressed people have extremely low levels of the serotonin metabolite tested, or worse they have very low dopamine and adrenaline levels, as well. Or high adrenaline or dopamine and low serotonin. And the problem is that really, all of these neurotransmitters, along with many others, play a role in depression and we find an endless amount of potential imbalances in people with different mood conditions. Further, many of these people are on antidepressants or combinations of antidepressants and stimulants that are not working to support their mood and a lot of these clients are children!

The organic acid profile and many other functional tests help doctors find out what the best course of treatment is for the individual not simply guessing which drug will be the best for that person!

Check out the organic acid profile at


Prevent violence by treating behavior disorders with biochemistry

Posted at Natural News on Friday, December 21, 2012 by Talya Dagan

Many violent behaviors can be caused by brain abnormalities. In light of the Newtown mass shooting, people are asking, “What is the motive?” There is no motive. There is no rational reason. The actions are caused by brain chemistry that is imbalanced, and then something happens to trigger the scales into carrying out violent acts. Sadly, antidepressants and the very drugs prescribed for these individuals can be a trigger that set the bonfire in their brain ablaze.
We need to learn to identify children with behavior disorders and get them the help they need. This can lead to a better life for them and for their communities. Treating brain chemistry can save lives – the lives of children and families they might strike against if they are not treated.

Nutritional treatment for brain chemistry

Most people who exhibit violent behavior have abnormal brain and body chemistry. This has been shown by numerous research studies, including work by Dr. William Walsh. After studying 8,000 people with diagnosed behavior disorders at the Pfeiffer Treatment Center, he discovered high levels of metals, difficulty with methylation, disordered pyyrole chemistry, blood sugar problems, copper/zinc imbalances, and malabsorption. People with chemical abnormalities can become provoked by violence when their physiological symptoms are intensified by taking antidepressant drugs, certain foods, exposure to heavy metals, or elevated hormones. This is why many violent crimes are committed by boys in their teens and twenties when their hormones are high and erratic.

Following Walsh’s treatment program, 207 individuals with behavior disorders had a 92 percent reduction in frequency of assaults, and an 88 percent decrease in destructive behavior. The study showed that individualized biochemical treatment can successfully treat violent behaviors.

Prevent violence with nutrition

Biochemical therapy is easily diagnosed with simple blood and urine tests. Treatment involves adding or subtracting foods and nutrients to the body as needed. The effects of treatment can be noticed within weeks, if not days. These non-invasive therapies have been researched and proven effective for many years. Parents and educators need to know that treatments are available, to identify children in need, and provide the comfort that good brain chemistry can provide for the children and the community.

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