Tomorrow Westcoast Integrative Health will be turned into the set of a new television series that exposes personal care products with the potential to lead to adverse health events. Our part in the show will be to support a women that is planning to become pregnant in the future but would like to find out if her body is ready…
Large steps in personal growth can be a major challenge for most people, including myself. As a naturopathic doctor my goal for clients, much like the world health organization suggests, is not to simply make people feel better but to encourage them to reach a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being. In striving for this goal, I was…

Typically there are no simple answers for the underlying causes of some women’s menopausal symptoms but women should know that there is absolutely no requirement for hormone replacement therapy regardless of signs or symptoms, if they do not wish to use these therapies. Unfortunately, life is often the complicating factor and the truth is that symptoms and conditions associated with…
After 8 weeks on the paleo diet I have been feeling great, and in some respects even better than I did before. Although healthy previous to starting the diet, I can say without a doubt that everything seems to be running a lot smother. Energy, Focus, Digestion have all been big benefits. The largest change I have noticed by…
Achieving your New Year’s resolution. Okay, we are now well enough into the year that many people have given up, or forgotten, their New Year’s resolutions. I have done the same thing in the past, but this year is different and I would like to share a few tips. This year I have decided it’s time to get back into…
Sleep Facts and Hygiene By Dr. Mercola Sleep Facts; A quarter of married couples sleep in separate beds You can only dream about faces you have already seen, whether you are aware of this or not Koalas sleep 22 hours a day; giraffes sleep less than 2 hours a day 12 percent of people dream only in black and white…