10 reasons to take a probiotic daily Posted on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at naturalnews.com by: PF Louis http://www.naturalnews.com/036419_probiotics_immunity_bacteria.html#ixzz20E9kyQc9 Probiotic intake for overall good health has been underestimated by even the alternative health community. The fact is that gut bacteria greatly affects both overall physical and mental health. There are 400 to 500 species of bacteria residing in your gut…
Posted on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at Natural News by: Ben @ http://www.naturalnews.com/036422_green_tea_cholesterol_reduction.html#ixzz20E7HjfKq Green tea has always been cited to improve a number of health benefits through its consumption. A recent study targeted LDL, or “bad” cholesterol and brought forth evidence that green tea reduces those levels. The question of how much and whether or not green tea should serve…
Do you ever wonder why you get frequent colds? Why you get anxious or depressed? Are you looking for ways to clear up your skin? Well the stomach and intestinal lining, much like a castle wall, is our main barrier against the harsh and dangerous outside world. The intestinal lining houses the majority of our immune system, which protects the…
(Posted on Natural News on Saturday March 17th http://www.naturalnews.com/035273_picky_eaters_children_solutions.html) There is a dangerous epidemic today. It can affect anyone, starting from childhood and last, in many cases, for a lifetime. It is not a virus, though it can certainly lead to sickness. It is not spread through contact or breathing the same air as those infected, but rather through a…