
Battling with depression is simply our body expressing that something is wrong! Although some peoples bodies articulate their internal distress better than others, subtle signs often need to picked up on in order to address our health concerns. This includes sleep disturbances that lasts any length of time. When we feel calm or relaxed our bodies have the ability to heal and we will feel this healing effect in all aspects of our lives, often starting with good sleep!

What is truly amazing to see is that more often than not, simple diet changes can completely reverse chronic problems with mood or sleep! These diet changes are also affecting deeper health related issues.

Although it is clear to me that not all clients with chronic health concerns suffer from mental health issues, I completely understand the connections between our physical and mental health. What is more clearly outlined in current research are the connections between mental health issues and the health of our digestive system.

Although I have always believed that our gut, diet, and digestion are the centre of our health, (or at least I have believed this since I was 14 years old and overcome my own health concerns with diet and exercise) it has never been more clearly outlined in the medical literature than over the last 10 years.

In the next 10 years I believe that despite major resistance from conventional thinking medical professionals, we will find out conclusively that the majority of mental health conditions are the result of poor diet and lifestyle choices compounded by genetics. We will also see that all conditions are reversible to a certain degree, the answer however, will not be a simple drug or expensive treatment, but an entire lifestyle change and enough time and patience for those changes to impact the body!

To find out more about our approach to depression, anxiety and bipolar 1 and 2 disorders please visit this link.