This Thursday night I’m teaming up with a member of Team Fitness, Chris Rothfelder, for a free 1 hour lecture on the treatment of anxiety and depression.  We will be giving the lecture on the functional and integrative medicine approaches to depression and anxiety at John Brathwaite Community Centre in North Vancouver, BC. This talk will start at 7:15 pm sharp and will go on for 1 hour. Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

Functional medicine looks at finding the underlying cause of depression. Yes … in almost every case of depression there is always an associated cause.

  • Hormones are typically involved
  • Genetic enzyme deficiencies are typically found and need to be by-passed
  • Nutrient deficiencies associated with long term stress to the system are often found and associated to symptoms of depression.

Once these deficiencies are addressed and a person is able to get back to a healthy diet and lifestyle, including exercise … they never look back.

Integrative medicine blends different modalities; be it pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, chiropractic, osteopathic, physiotherapy, counselling with lifestyle and diet changes to help support and empower a person back to wellness. A combination of supportive therapies are overall the best approach in the treatment of all chronic disease concerns.

Please consider attending this talk, if you are free, or passing on the information to people that might need some support for their mental health concerns.

Have a great week. Spring 2013 Wellness Lecture Flyer

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