It’s Christmas Eve again and I feel very lucky to be spending the next 24 hours with my family on Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada. Holiday time can be very hard for many people … as it is often a time of reflection. Many of my clients have lost family members over the course of the year and we have lost several clients this year as well. Although, Christmas for most, is a time to spend with family, it is also important to think about others in need and perhaps those who do not have family to share the holidays with.

Often, it’s the little things that count. A little smile, or a little extra courtesy can go a long way to let people know that there’s plenty of love in the world. A wise client pointed out to me the other day, that we, as humans, are actually meant to be in very close proximity to others in our village. Historically, we supported our young and old, even though we were not directly related. People ate together and traveled together.

We were fortunate enough to make several donations this year to people in need, however, often times, people are financially stable but may feel lonely. Also, many ethnic groups that don’t celebrate Christmas can feel a bit left out at this time of year. As Canadians, we embrace our diversity and overlook our differences.

Lets all try and spread as much cheer as we can this holiday season.

Happy holidays!

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