The process of methylation, even just the word, can bore people half to death, but the truth of the matter is that this little tidbit of seemingly useless information is at the heart of many peoples chronic health concerns. Before tuning out, I would encourage you to read a little further as your future health might be at stake.

Biochemistry and genetics are complicated to understand but once we can restore methylation pathways to optimal function, the resulting improvements in health conditions are incredible. Although genetics are found to affect the backbone of the methylation cycle, it seems that toxins, infections, emotional stress, injury, diet, and lifestyle are at the heart of what causes the genetic factors to take their toll on the person affected.

The folate-methionine bicycle, like an ordinary bicycle, has 2 biochemical wheels that are spinning in every cell in our bodies, however what comes off these spinning wheels is what keeps our detoxification working, our energy production maximized, our neurotransmitter functions stable, and allows our cells to divide properly and function efficiently.

I know that all of this sounds boring, but we must understand that our entire health depends on these factors.  When they are not working properly we can become, depressed, anxious, tired and eventually very sick with concerns like cancer and heart disease. Methylation is one of the key individual factors differentiating health from disease and the most important thing to understand is that its cheep and easy to fix.

The following article is written by a colleague of mine, Dr Ben Lynch ND. If you are interested in this process further and how to test it, or treat the conditions that methylation has been associated with please have a look at or visit and order your genetic kit. Once you have your results I would be happy to decipher them with you. This information can save peoples lives and it only costs $99.00.

MTHFR Mutations and the Conditions They Cause

by Dr Lynch on September 7, 2011

MTHFR gene mutations can cause absolutely no symptoms at all. They can also cause severe irreversible health conditions such as Down’s syndrome. Research is still pending on which medical conditions are caused by, or at least partially attributed to, the MTHFR gene mutations. From the partial list I recently went through on Medline, these are the current symptoms, syndromes and medical conditions relating to the MTHFR gene mutations:

I will continue to add to this list as I find new conditions and symptoms caused by the MTHFR gene mutations.

  1. Autism
  2. Addictions: smoking, drugs, alcohol
  3. Down’s syndrome
  4. Miscarriages
  5. Pulmonary embolisms
  6. Depression in Post-Menopausal Women
  7. Schizophrenia
  8. Fibromyalgia
  9. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  10. Chemical Sensitivity
  11. Parkinson’s
  12. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  13. Pre-eclampsia
  14. Stroke
  15. Spina bifida
  16. Esophageal Squamous cell carcinoma
  17. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
  18. Vascular Dementia
  19. Bipolar disorder
  20. Colorectal Adenoma
  21. Idiopathic male infertility
  22. Blood clots
  23. Rectal cancer
  24. Meningioma
  25. Glioma
  26. Congenital Heart Defects
  27. Infant depression via epigenetic processes caused by maternal depression
  28. Deficits in childhood cognitive development
  29. Gastric Cancer
  30. Migraines with aura
  31. Low HDL
  32. High homocysteine
  33. Post-menopausal breast cancer
  34. Atherosclerosis
  35. Oral Clefts
  36. Type 1 Diabetes
  37. Epilepsy
  38. Primary Closed Angle Glaucoma
  39. Alzheimer’s
  40. Tetralogy of Fallot
  41. Decreased telomere length
  42. Potential drug toxicities: methotrexate, anti-epileptics
  43. Cervical dysplasia
  44. Increased bone fracture risk in post-menopausal women
  45. Multiple Sclerosis
  46. Essential Hypertension
  47. Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma
  48. Prostate Cancer
  49. Premature Death
  50. Placental Abruption
  51. Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
  52. Methotrexate Toxicity
  53. Nitrous Oxide Toxicity
  54. Heart Murmurs
  55. Tight Anal Sphincters
  56. Tongue Tie
  57. Midline Defects (many are listed above)
  58. Behcet’s Disease
  59. Ischemic Stroke in Children
  60. Unexplained Neurologic Disease
  61. Asthma
  62. Shortness of Breath
  63. Bladder Cancer
  64. Anecephaly


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