SAD? – Consider a unique treatment experience

Now is the time of year when people can notice a drop in their mood. We tend to loss the skip in our step and our “joi de vivé” can get a little upset by the darkness of our northern days.  The holidays are over and although people tend to be more conscious about their health it can be hard to get on track when moods are low. If you are just feeling like you cannot get on track with your resolutions or health goals and need a boost, consider a solar zap with our “REFRESH” full spectrum lights. The refresh light system uses full spectrum light that has been clinically tested to elevate mood in as little as 5 minutes. It will boost your vitamin D levels and help the pineal gland produce more serotonin in minutes. It’s like going on a mini-vacation and the best thing about it can be that your extended benefits plan can pick up the bill!

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