Recent concerns over the Coronavirus has lead to some social unrest, confusion and uncertainty in our communities. These feelings have created fear (and panic in some cases) about the medical consequences surrounding this pandemic and the general health and safety of our loved ones.  With any novel (new) infection there is reason for uncertainty but the epidemiology surrounding this infection suggests that the majority of us will be exposed and that we will either get sick with the common symptoms (fever, cough and congestion) and get better, or have very little or no symptoms at all. The concern however, is not with the majority of us but with the minority of people that are of a greater age or immune compromised.

That being said, people of greater age or suffering with chronic health concerns make up a majority of my patients and the safety of my patients is paramount to me. In an effort to try and flatten the exposure curve I feel that it is a social responsibility to only offer remote consultations to clients starting Monday March 23rd for 1 or 2 weeks pending public health announcements on the trajectory of the virus. This will also allow Tania (my staff) to work from home. So following this week (March 16th and 17th), we ask that all non-critical pending lab test collections be postponed and all appointments be booked remotely. I will be consulting via secure video or telephone from my Roberts Creek clinic on the Sunshine Coast for anyone that needs my support.

With respect to prevention of any viral infection, proper hygiene (hand washing and avoiding contact with pretty much anything) along with rest, good hydration, nutrition and keeping stress levels low is a start. Chicken stock (made from scratch) is a great way to achieve 3 of these recommendations and perhaps the satisfying nature of good chicken stock might even check off box number four. For people that are at risk, additional vitamin C, zinc, probiotics and vitamin D are excellent for supporting immunity, but make sure to leave some for everyone! Also, don’t forget to do your deep breathing!

Thank you for your understanding. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions and note that the above may chance without notice.

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