After my three month journey on the Paleo diet I have learned a lot of things about my body. One of the most important things I have taken away from the experience is that my body likes cheese! Thank goodness because so does my mind! What I have determined however is that I do not do very well with refined grains including rice, wheat, spelt, rye, kamut and corn. I also do not do very well with legumes such as beans and certain nuts. Potatoes have been alright.

Now that that experience is over I’m ready to go on a bit of a spring cleanse. Although I continuously work on supporting detoxification in my body with different products (mostly Mediclear plus) I’m ready to take it a step further and work on cleansing my cells! Other products that I personally use on a regular basis are antioxidants (I change them frequently), high doses of magnesium before bed (great sleeper) and several adrenal support supplements including a derivative of the hormone DHEA called 7-keto-DHEA. I also take sustained release niacin daily to help control my genetic hypercholesterolemia. Niacin also helps with any over stimulation of the brain ….. preventing things like stress and anxiety from the top down!

While out walking my puppy (Enya) this morning I was totally inspired by spring. It’s raining, yes, but it’s no longer that harsh and cold winter rain, it’s a nice and purifying spring rain. The leaves have returned to the deciduous trees, the ground cover is in full effect and the spring flowers are out. Sunshine is the reason for all of this but the rain is what plants need to nourish themselves and it also cleans the soil and helps trees to fix nitrogen ….. their oxygen! I will definitely be drinking more water over the next few months ….. about 2 litres per day.

I have also returned to my favorite sport. Downhill mountain biking here on the north shore. That’s right I’m no longer doing in door exercise! It’s spring and it’s time for me to get outside. Although this type of mountain biking is likely a little overwhelming for most people …. some would say it’s crazy …. It really makes me feel great but most of this feeling comes from the ascent! There is something about the focus and energy output required to climb up a mountain on a 40 lb mountain bike that is like no other experience for me. I assume it’s similar to what runners get ….. the “runners high”. I’m on that bike as much as time permits …. 3 to 6 days per week.

About 3 weeks ago we ordered a FAR Infrared Sauna for home. It is being used purely for experimental purposes which I will outline below. I believe this to be one of the key steps in supporting rapid cellular detoxification. Infrared penetrates your body and heats up the subcutaneous fat and tissue under the skin. Once sufficiently heated, bonds that hold toxins such as solvents, plastic derivatives and heavy metals become weaker. With the right support your body can carry them away to the liver or kidneys …. or right out through the skin as you start to sweat. Infrared is a little different than a conventional sauna you might have sat in because you really do not get that hot. Maximum temperature is 130 degrees F ….. I guess that is a really hot day in certain parts of the world …. and it only takes about 10 minutes to start getting the beneficial effects.

I have been saving up for this sauna for about 1 year. I think its worth buying your own versus using someone else’s as I believe that saunas can get quite dirty with other peoples toxins and sweat. Anyways … the reason I have wanted a sauna for so long is to work mostly on eliminating heavy metals from my body and brain. I had done a heavy metal test several years ago after the removal of my mercury fillings and I was loaded! 80 mcg per gram of creatinine ….. where the world health organization suggest over 50 mcg per gram of creatinine to be toxic. I used the drug DMPS to get the majority of the metals out of my body at that time. Unfortunately DMPS can only dig so deep.

My cleanse will consist of 3 to 4 infrared saunas per week. I will be using a modified detoxification regiment first described by the founder of Scientology Ron Hubbard that includes sustained release niacin (500 mg), magnesium glycinate (300 mg), Glycine (5000 mg), alpha lipoic acid (300 mg) and the drug DMSA (250 to 500 mgs). DMSA and alpha lipoic acid will be used for 3 days in a row (with the sauna) in 2 week cycles. I will be testing myself with a DMPS challenge before I get started to check my toxicity and after 1 month to see how I do!

I’ll keep you posted.

PS I am not a Scientologist …. not that there is anything wrong with that!





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